Roulette or Raclette?

We leave Block Island at 1:00 am and sail for the next day and a half. We arrive in Atlantic City and pull up to the fuel dock at the Golden Nugget. We venture ashore to re-provision and do laundry and end up going duck crazy!!! Liz actually got about twice as many, including a unicorn duck and princess duck but gave those to a cute little girl at the laundromat.

We leave the dock in the evening and move to an anchorage and I was treated to the typical french raclette meal of melted cheese over potatoes! Liz and Henri are the best!!!

The next day, still at anchor, we know there is a storm coming, but don’t really prepare. In the middle of the wind and rain we end up having to take down the enclosure and bimini while the winds are blowing and we sacrifice one more cockpit cushion to the sea gods (tear). Lessons are being learned (but will still need to be reinforced - see Beaufort post).

duck, duck, duck


Cape May


Block Island